



are getting married

18 / 07 / 2024

Traditional Ceremony

Church Wedding

on july 18 at 09:00 AM

Apostolic Faith Church, WECA. Anthony Village, Lagos, NG.

Wedding Reception

on july 18 at 12:00 PM

Explore the love in our gallery

Wedding Location

Apostolic Faith Church WECA, Anthony Village
Lagos, Nigeria.


Christine & Alexander

We are getting married

Thursday, 1 august 2024

0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 Seconds



From the first hello to the forever promise, join us on July 18, 10:30 AM, at the Apostolic Faith Church, WECA HQ, as we celebrate the beautiful union of two souls destined for a lifetime of love and happiness.

Traditional Сeremony

Church Wedding

on August 1 at 10:00 AM

Apostolic Faith Church, WECA HQ, Anthony Village, Lagos, NG.

Wedding Reception

on August 1 at 1:00 PM

Our Love Story

In the halls of our university, amidst the buzz of budding tech dreams and the rustle of pages, our paths crossed.

In the halls of our university, amidst the buzz of budding tech dreams and the rustle of pages, our paths crossed.

We were both pursuing our Computer Science degrees, unaware that our shared passion for technology would eventually weave our lives together in the most beautiful way. It was 2013, in the casual setting of a campus fast-food joint, through a mutual friend named Ik, that our story began. Our first conversation wasn’t about code or algorithms; it was about the worlds crafted from words. Christine, with her creative spirit, was working on a book, and I, fascinated by her drive and talent, found our conversation to be the first of many.

Fast forward to 2021, our paths crossed again in the realm of tech, this time more intentionally. I was leading a tech audio talk show, and Christine, eager to pivot her career into tech, attended. It was a serendipitous reconnection that led me to propose we become accountability partners in 2022. This partnership quickly blossomed into something more profound. Together, we embarked on projects that mirrored our shared values, including a meaningful redesign of our church’s website. Our discussions often ventured beyond technology, touching on our faith and the values we cherish, cementing our bond.

The year 2023 marked a pivotal moment in our journey. Amidst the joy of my proposal and Christine’s joyful ‘yes,’ we faced the sorrow of losing her father. It was a testament to our partnership, facing life’s highs and lows together, always turning towards each other for support.

Now, as we stand in 2024, we look forward to our wedding on July 18th, a celebration not just of love, but of partnership, resilience, and shared dreams. By God’s grace, we step into this new chapter, eager to continue building our life together, guided by faith and bound by the love that has grown between us since those early days at university.


First Encounter

We met through a mutual friend at university, bonding over a shared love for books and writing.


Growing Connection

We reconnected at a tech audio talk show, leading to a deepened friendship.


Unforgettable Proposal

Alex proposed to Christine, and amidst our engagement joy, faced the sorrow of losing her father.


Countdown to Forever

Looking forward to marrying my best friend, Christine, on July 18th, by God's grace.

Explore the love in our gallery

We look forward to seeing you!

Please Confirm Your Attendance

Wedding Location

Apostolic Faith Church WECA HQ, Campground Rd, Anthony Village, Lagos.


Mona & Morgan